I fully intended on having everything packed and ready to go by 8pm the night before our flight so we could go to bed early considering we were going to have to leave for the airport at 3:30am but did that happen...umm...that's a big fat NO. I got done packing at 2:30am and that was with the help of my sister-in-law, Nila. I got in the shower, dried my hair, did last minute checks and hopped in the car at 3:45 so no sleep for me but at least my hubby, Joel (pronounced Joelle) got 30 minutes worth. If it hadn't been for the Venti chi he brought me at 10pm the night before I wouldn't have been functioning.
Part of what took so long with the packing was I bought one of those scale that you hook the suitcase with pick it up and it tells the wight...well we realized after weighing suitcase #3 that they all weighed 35 pounds. Turns out the thing was broken and they all weighed over 50 pounds (the weight limit when flying to Belize is 50 Lbs)...ugh. I'll give you one guess whose luggage weighed the most...if you guess me you would be...WRONG...the correct answer would be Preston (my 6 month old son). The airlines only give a lap child a carry on sized suitcase but when you are packing diapers, wipes, formula and baby food for a month that just won't do. His bag alone weighed...57 pounds...and that is only because that is all we could fit in one of our regular sized bags...we still had a bumbo to pack. Why take a bumbo...well that will be our portable high chair while we are here. So, in total we had 5 checked bags, 4 carry on bags and a diaper bag!
We got to the airport and all but one bag was over 50 lbs but thankfully they didn't charge us for it. Security was challenging only because we have to take P-Diddy (Preston) out of his stroller, take out both lap tops and cameras and take off our shoes and Ill have you know it is not easy balancing on one foot holding 20 lbs on your hip trying to put a boot back on, but at least there were no pat downs or body scanners (not that I am opposed to them because some people are crazy these days). Our first flight from Nashville to Miami left at 6am and was great! There were only 50 people on the flight so they let us take Diddy's car-seat on the plane which was awesome because he got to continue sleeping and and he slept the whole flight. Joel slept the whole way and I got about 30 minutes. When we arrive in Miami it was 34° and apparently the airport didn't have heat(I mean why would it...it's Miami) the airport was freezing...we were all huddled next to the window where sun was shining in attempt to warm up. After 3 hours of that we boarded a plane to Belize City, Belize. That flight was ok...Preston was only a little fussy but quickly fell back asleep.
My father-in-law was set to pick us up at the airport but we were also greeted by Joel's brother and sister. We made a stop for tamales in Belmopan (Belize capital city) the headed to Joel's aunts house for sandwiches and salad (potato salad). We made the last leg of the trip to Dangriga where we settled in at the in-laws house and went to bed early but not before I was re adjusted back to Belizean life...like watching a lizard crawl down the wall in our bedroom and me forgetting not to put toilet paper in the toilet and having to fish it out when it wouldn't flush...ahhhh...Welcome to Belize...it's good to be back...
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